面部脂肪移植哥伦布,俄亥俄州| Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


面部脂肪移植 Columbus, Ohio


使用面部脂肪转移手术建立平衡 & 突出的特性

随着我们自然衰老, many of us experience volume loss in the face which can become a source of insecurity. 面部脂肪移植术 (often referred to as “facial fat transfer”) uniquely restores youthfulness in the face by using the body’s own fat to correct thinning or hollowed features, sinking cheekbones and overall signs of aging. 面部整形专家 Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert 在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市完善了这种复兴的形式.



自体脂肪移植手术期间, a surgeon simply takes fat from an area of the body where you don’t want it and injects it where you do. 脂肪转移是一种高级疗法, minimally invasive surgical procedure used to safely fill out or plump tissue under aging areas, 疤痕和深深的皱纹. 它可以改善皮肤的自然轮廓,使皮肤表面光滑.

Dr. Sieffert’s innovative technique allows for the precise augmentation and contouring of facial features, 产生自然的外观, 刷新的外观和突出显示的功能.



Fat grafting can add volume to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, temples and lips. Fat can be removed from anywhere in the body but is typically harvested from the abdomen or thighs.

Once the fat is removed, it is purified through a filter or centrifuge before injecting. Your surgeon will likely overfill the area because approximately 20%-50% of the fat is eventually reabsorbed throughout recovery. 患者注意到肤色的持续改善, pore size and overall appearance for several years following surgery, 其结果将持续一生.

Fat grafting is perfect for those who have lost facial volume typically due to aging. 如果你正在经历脸部的整体下垂, a tired look, 或者面颊凹陷, facial fat grafting can help create a natural and beautiful look. You are an ideal candidate so long as you are in good health and have realistic expectations for your surgical results.

Your results will develop over the course of 6-12 months, so being aware of and prepared for the 整个恢复过程 在评估你的手术结果时是必要的吗.

You will see the final results of your facial fat grafting procedure between 6-12 months after your operation. Since fat grafting is often combined with other surgeries, downtime and recovery may vary. In terms of just fat transfer to the face, pain and discomfort are minimal. You can expect to be back up and walking around just a few days after surgery. You will have some activity restrictions that will be lifted throughout your 4 weeks of recovery.

You can return to work after about a week so long as you are able to follow your instructed restrictions.

The processes are similar in that both treatments include adding volume by means of injection. In general, dermal fillers 需要更少的停机时间, and they last about 8-12 months depending on your metabolism and the exact product. 脂肪移植是解决面部体积减少的永久方法.

Filler provides an excellent opportunity for you to see the effects of additional volume before the commitment of a surgical solution!

Since liposuction is involved, 面部脂肪移植的费用各不相同, 因为去除的脂肪量会影响成本. Typically, basic facial fat transfer ranges between $4,000-$5,000. You will receive an exact quote from your surgical team based on your custom plan, and they will review financing options during your first consultation.

脂肪移植是永久性的. You will see your full results between 6 months to a year after your surgery. 在此期间, 25%-50% of the fat that was injected into the face will naturally reabsorb into your body. 如果你减肥了, 脸上增加的脂肪不容易消失, 尽管这仍然是可能的. 脂肪移植不能防止持续衰老. It is common for patients to get touch-ups of facial fat grafting.

面部脂肪移植是其他手术的重要补充 like facelifts and eyelid lifts, as well as it being a transformative procedure all on its own. 通过脂肪移植, you can address two areas at once — the area where fat is being removed and the area that is going to receive the volume from that fat. 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台对手术的简易和恢复表示赞赏.

因为这种手术被认为是永久性的, the majority of the work will have been done for you when it comes to restoring volume. 然而,其他衰老的迹象可能会继续存在. 为了解决这些问题, we have an array of treatments to protect your skin and even improve its current appearance.



面部脂肪移植术 offers a personalized approach to facial rejuvenation, providing long-lasting results and enhancing your natural beauty. 通过你身体自身脂肪的精确移植, 此过程可以恢复卷, 改善轮廓,减少老化的迹象.


We invite you to schedule your initial consultation with us and discuss your goals with an expert!


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