

作者:Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 |





8点整容, 也被称为非手术整容, is a relatively new approach to cosmetic injections that aims to create a more youthful appearance without the downtime associated with traditional surgical facelifts. 这项技术需要熟练地注射 皮下注射 into specific points on the face to lift and tighten sagging skin, restoring a more defined contour. 

尽管它越来越受欢迎,而且有明显的美容效果, 8点整容并非没有风险和局限性, it is crucial to understand these details before deciding to undergo this set of injections. 

Note: At Donaldson整形外科, we are hesitant to call anything we do nonsurgically a “整容.这种技术更有力的术语应该是“全面面部澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网”.“然而, for the purposes of this article and to directly answer the most common questions, 我们称之为“8点整容”.” 

8点整容vs. 外科整容 

的 8点整容 is an in-office treatment that uses a series of cosmetic injections (usually 1 – 2 sessions, 间隔1个月),以达到更休息和年轻的外观. 传统的 整容 is an outpatient procedure that involves surgical intervention to tighten the skin and fat transfer techniques to add volume. 整容手术的效果更显著,也更持久, 但也需要更多的准备和更密集的恢复期. 


Most injectors who are providing what they call an “8 Point Lift” are using a combination of fillers. 这不是一种适合所有类型的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法. At Donaldson整形外科, we do mix different fillers depending on the areas we need to treat. 例如,下颌线需要Juvederm Volux/Voluma, RHA 4 或Radiesse. 所有的填料都有不同的粘度和“拉伸性”.” 的 provider will work with you to establish the best filler for your goals. 

“的 goal is to provide facial balance while still maintaining the unique structure of the individual face. We aim to highlight areas that bring positive attributes to the face and minimize or correct signs of aging or asymmetry.”



A patient who qualifies for a complete 8点整容 can expect to receive 2 – 3 total syringes of dermal filler to address their cosmetic concerns. 

“Each person may need a different amount of volume, which equates to differing amounts of filler. So it is possible that an injector will break their treatment into multiple sessions to preserve the desired end result, 并允许一个更可控的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程.”



  • 2点在颧骨(外侧颧骨) & Malar脂肪垫)
  • 下脸颊(颧下凹陷)
  • 眼下/撕裂(上颌骨连接处) & 颧骨)
  • 鼻唇沟(犬窝)
  • 木偶线条/嘴角(口腔接触)
  • 下颌(前下颌沟) 
  • 下颌线(斜角)


Morpheus8 skin tightening and the 8点整容 is a dynamic combination for patients seeking comprehensive and natural-looking results. Morpheus8 utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin, 有效减少皱纹, 细纹和松弛的皮肤. This treatment is especially effective for improving the appearance of the lower face and neck. 

通过结合Morpheus8和真皮填充物, patients can achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with a natural-looking, 和谐的结果. This combination of treatments allows for a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation, 解决皮肤紧致和体积损失, can be customized to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual patient.


平均而言,8点整容手术的效果持续12 - 16个月. 这取决于所用填充物的类型, 你的活动水平和你的身体通常如何处理物质. 

什么是准备期 & 恢复过程?

Preparation and recovery for this treatment follow the same protocols as a normal filler injection treatment: Avoid alcohol, 非甾体抗炎药, fish oil supplements and dental appointments for up to 48 before the visit. 的 recovery period should be just about the same amount of time (1 – 2 days). 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台应多喝水, eat a well-balanced diet and avoid sweating heavily until the injection sites have fully healed as to minimize the risk of irritation.

“理解和管理治愈预期是至关重要的. 患者可能会有瘀伤和肿胀. 的 final results of this treatment will not be fully appreciated for a couple of weeks.”



This is tough to answer without knowing you, the individual, your goals. 的 8点整容 is a technique designed to address a number of cosmetic facial concerns. If you already have gorgeous cheekbones or those nasolabial folds aren’t visible, 你不需要瞄准所有8个点.

To put it simply: You can address multiple concerns in one treatment session without it being considered an 8点整容 — this is just a term/technique that has been popularized over time due to its fairly drastic results without surgery! 

Adrienne Yanich RN作者简介


Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师她是唐纳森整形外科的一名经验丰富的美容注射师. She specializes in injectables of all types, including 肉毒杆菌, 皮下注射, Kybella and more. Adrienne performs these aesthetic treatments on a daily basis while also educating patients about proper preparation and aftercare to ensure sustained results. She is constantly researching groundbreaking techniques and discovering new ways to help her patients feel their best.

