Why You Shouldn't Skip Applying SPF After Quarantine - Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


作者:Tatjana Dzamov

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Applying SPF After Quarantine

With millions of Americans beginning to spend more of their time outdoors, we are all excited to get outside 和 enjoy the 温暖的天气 以及它所提供的所有乐趣. 然而, many of us may be so excited to feel the sun on our skin again, we may be turning a blind eye to proper sun safety.

Here to explain why we should be keeping a quality SPF in our routine is Donaldson整形外科 Lead Medical Aesthetician, Tatjana Dzamov. Tatjana’s extensive knowledge 和 background gained over a 25 year long career as a licensed aesthetician have made her one of the Columbus area’s most sought after aesthetic providers. Tatjana提供 许多不同的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法 guaranteed to keep your skin healthy 和 regulated during the changing seasons.


Tatjana: Our skin is the largest organ that we have, yet, the most neglected. 的 skin layer is a very thin membrane that separates us from our environment, 以及紫外线照射的破坏性影响, 一年到头. Our skin is exposed to UV rays daily 和 the long-term effects are usually seen later in life. 晒伤 is the most common skincare problem among men 和 women, with 80% of the photodamage happening before the age of 18. 


Tatjana: 紫外线有两种:UVA和UVB.

的 UVA rays are the rays that penetrate the deepest layers of our skin 和 this can lead to 皮肤过早损伤衰老,以及皮肤癌. UVA rays can penetrate through clouds, so wearing sun protection year-long is very important. UVB, 另一方面, cause sunburn to the superficial layers of the skin 和 play a key role in the development of skin cancer. 

说了这么多, exposure to either kind of UV ray causes damage to the DNA of our skin cells, 不管我们是晒黑了还是晒黑了. It’s highly recommended that every person gets a yearly body skin check with your dermatologist 和 that you wear a Physical Sun Protection of at least SPF 30.


Tatjana: A lot of people are unaware that there are two types of sunscreen: chemical 和 physical.

At Donaldson整形外科, we recommend a physical sunblock. Physical SPF sits on top of the skin 和 reflects the sun’s rays. 的 minerals titanium dioxide 和 zinc oxide are the main active ingredients in physical blocks. 化学防晒剂, 另一方面, absorbs into the skin 和 allows harmful UV rays to enter the skin’s cells. 的 chemical sunscreen converts the rays into heat, releases them from the body.

Our medspa carries three SPFs from the medical grade skin care lines that we often recommend. 我的纯物理防晒霜系列, Tatjana由Donaldson整形手术对我们所有的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台来说都是一个很好的选择. 的 Intellishade TruPhysical SPF 45 from Revision 皮肤护理 is a great tinted SPF that protects against free radicals, the RAD Broad Spectrum SPF 30 from the Environ 皮肤护理 line contains antioxidants to keep your skin healthy 和 balanced.

不管你选择哪种防晒霜, it is important to make it part of your daily skincare routine. Regular application of sunscreen can reduce your chances of skin cancer while also prolonging the 皱纹的形成太阳黑子.

准备好焕发夏日光彩吧? 我们愿意提供帮助!

唐纳森medspa will be opening again on June 1st, (abiding by all of our 重新开放安全协议), doing what we do best – helping smart, fun 和 beautiful people shine! For more information, call Donaldson整形外科 at (614) 442-7610 和 ask to schedule a 皮肤care Consultation with Lead Medical Aesthetician Tatjana.

一定要跟上 唐纳森的博客 在我们的网站 Donaldson整形外科 & 审美的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 to find out more ways to nourish 和 pamper your skin!

